Later to a dinner?…no pasa nada
Forgot to call someone back? …no pasa nada
Care about anything in life? …no pasa nada
An expression I have come to loath while being here in Argentina. It means, “dont worry about it”, “it doesn’t matter”, or “nothing happens”. An expression often used by Argentinians to indicate that nothing is going on or as a transition point to another topic. To dismiss a situation or make it seem as if it does not have relevance.
Its often stated that we latin folks are always late to things. That we take life a bit easier and don’t have as many worries. While there are some things about this that I find appealing, there are times when gravity must be given to a situation.
I will not lie that being in Argentina has been difficult. Having gone through a breakup in another country can be a bit lonely. Exacerbated by the fact that the people here are very cold and isolated; and trust me…it takes a lot for me to say that.I am from New York.
Argentinians are the type of folks that require years before they let you into the “circle”. They are weary of other people. I found often times talking to them but somehow not connecting. Not getting to that deeper part of someone and what they are thinking or feeling. The core of our humanity.
The reputation is that Argentinias are very direct, but I have found quite the opposite. When often faced with an issues, they will not tackled it head on. They will tip toe around the issue. Something that was quite surprising given their “direct” reputation. How can one be so direct yet so obscure? Better ask an Argentinian.
One of the ways this manifested the worst was during my hookups in Argentina. Hooking up here is strange. You can see someone one time and never see them again. No matter how close to them you got and/or how great your chemistry was. You will never see them again. I asked a friend why this was and he mentioned that Argentinias are people that dont’ allow themselves pleasures in life. If they like someone they pull away. Sort like when you were young and you punched the girl in the playground. Most of them are in relationships for the sake of not being alone. Even in hook up apps, most of the people are “in a relationship” and the ones that are single…well thats another story.
I will say that not all my experience has been negative…I have met people here. Good people. I have Lucho & Alejandro. A colombian and argentinian couple who I met while playing rugby here. They took me into their home and shared a part of their culture that was very different than I was used to. The explained all the fassets of Argentina and the elusive ..”no pasa nada”. I have met Sebastian & German, an argentinian couple who also explained to me the tricks of how to manage such culture. In them, I sought knowledge of the things I didnt understand and in time hoped that I would adapt to this culture.
My time here has come to an end and as I pack my things to go to Brazil, I can’t help but wonder wether my time here was negative because of them, the culture, or my breakup.
In Brazil, I hope to find that answer.