I took another zip of my coconut. The water tasted sweet, refreshing, as if I was drinking it for the first time. “...É o momento em que você sente todas as emoções de uma vez. O momento em que você começa a entender que nem tudo na vida precisa ter uma resposta. Que algumas coisas precisam ser sentidas … e não compreendidas …” I felt what he said and at the same time, my hair began to stand up.
This is now my second time in Brasil. This land that is fill with so many emotions continues to fill my heart with so many feelings that are hard to describe. Its people are like no other. Its beaches are one of the most beautiful in the world. Its spirit…unexplainable.
You will hear that Brasil is dangerous place. You will hear that the people are violent. You will hear that there is poverty. You will hear that there is inequality. What you will not hear, is the joy that lives in the hearts of Brazilians. They are people that are fill with joy regardless of the struggle. Regardless of the obstacle. Regardless of what is to come. Similar to mi querida Cuba, this country continues forward in regards to its struggle.
I took another sip of my coconut and asked, “how can you be so happy in the face of such adversity/sadness? Don’t you want to change the things that are wrong?”
“Você tem que encontrar a felicidade no momento que está aqui. Não aqueles que estão por vir”
While here I have truly found much happiness. I have traveled and met some great people. Seeing a Brasilian movie alone (so difficult). Happiness in the ability to be free and to seek the things that make you happy. Be those things that are alone or with someone.
I finished my coconut and the following song began to play….
Muito obrigado Brasil
Deixe-me ir
Preciso andar
Vou por aí a procurar
Rir pra não chorar
Deixe-me ir
Preciso andar
Vou por aí a procurar
Sorrir pra não chorar
Quero assistir ao sol nascer
Ver as águas dos rios correr
Ouvir os pássaros cantar
Eu quero nascer
Quero viver
Deixe-me ir
Preciso andar
Vou por aí a procurar
Rir pra não chorar
Se alguém por mim perguntar
Diga que eu só vou voltar
Depois que me encontrar
Quero assistir ao sol nascer
Ver as águas dos rios correr
Ouvir os pássaros cantar
Eu quero nascer
Quero viver
Deixe-me ir
Preciso andar
Vou por aí a procurar
Sorrir pra não chorar