

I hit the snooze button for what felt like the 26th time,  and I slowly realized that its time to wake up, but quite honestly i am not ready to do so.  The alarm again goes off to uncover me gazing into the dust particles that the sun rays brings into my room.  BUZZ BUZZ…Snooze. My dog licks me as to say “wake-up, that alarm is getting on my fucking nerves” Snooze # 10.  I sit there, head on my pillow, eyes wide open, and wonder about all the none sense, unanswered questions, and actions of the day that lays ahead of me.  Snooze # 13.

I lay my head back now and think of what it felt like those mornings to be waken up in the campos back home.  The smell of the fresh grass outside and the sun beaming in my face.  I pull  off the mosquitero from my bed and run to the kitchen where my mom stands with her bata making eggs.  I am back there now, yes…i can smell it.  The smell of sugar cane waiting with the anticipation of being cut.  The sound of the river hitting the rocks where my brother once fell.  The lake where countless summers me and my brother swam.  The sight of me running through the fathers field barefoot looking up at the sky  and my dog…BUZZ BUZZ Snooze # 19.

It is at Snooze #22 that I  arise in a zombie like way and walk to the cold tile of my bathroom.  I splash water on my face. I stare back at the mirror and it stares back at me.  I feel as though it wants to tell me something but it is bound to the limitations of its dimension.  The face in the mirror – I know this face.  Year upon year it starts to look different but somehow remains the same.  My dog graces my leg.   It seems that this will be a day of revelation but I somehow can’t seem to shake the notion that today, will be just like any other day.

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