I am uncertain of what is to happen tomorrow
Of my will being strong and me feeling no sorrow
My mind tends to wonder as the days go by
And my anger keeps amassing
My spirit shatters and multiplies
I am uncertain of the wrinkles in my face
The years in my hands and history without trace
I keep tracking my adventures
My log pages are beginning to fill
With the nonsense that requires correction
I am uncertain that I will not leave something behind
Something small yet peculiar to remind,
You of ME – who is reading my log
And for me to take when I am gone
I ll write it in paper, wall, script, or stone
I am uncertain of whom I ll become
I have three forms that I am transforming
Sitting here displeased
So displeased that I am yearning to stop being discerning
I am uncertain of what I am writing
Only certainty comes at time of clarity and that thereof
I am certain of death – yes death
That is all that is left to be assured of
I am uncertain of what is left to be certain for
Wow that was deep. Yes, death is really the only thing that is certain. And to be certain of uncertainty is almost certain.